
LuaNode For ESP32

This project is an improved Lua SDK, based on ESP-IDF/ESP8266_RTOS_SDK, for Esp32 (comp The hardware , developed by DOIT Team.

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This project is an improved Lua SDK, based on ESP-IDF/ESP8266_RTOS_SDK, for Esp32 (compatible with Esp8266).
As we know, there are some existing Lua SDK such as NodeMCU, esp-open-rtos, but them are not support for both Esp32 at this time, and some of them are not support multi-task.
ESPlorer: is a Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for ESP8266 developers. LuaNode is compatible for Esplorer. Developers can use it to run and test lua program, as well as download lua code to ESP32.
ESP32 Dev Board:

1.Download LuaNode and toolchains

You can download LuaNode on Linux by the following command:

git clone

Make sure you have git installed, if not, install it by the command: sudo apt install git.

Download toolchains by: git clone

2 .Download other usefull tools

ESPlorer: is a Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for ESP8266 developers. LuaNode is compatible for Esplorer. Developers can use it to run and test lua program, as well as download lua code to ESP32.

see more:


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Esplorer for ESP32

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ESP32 Dev Board

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  • 1
    Step 1

    Download LuaNode and toolchains

    You can download LuaNode on Linux by the following command:

    git clone

    Make sure you have git installed, if not, install it by the command: sudo apt install git.

    Download toolchains by: git clone

  • 2
    Step 2

    Download other usefull tools

    ESPlorer: is a Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for ESP8266 developers. LuaNode is compatible for Esplorer. Developers can use it to run and test lua program, as well as download lua code to ESP32.

    Espressif flashtool (Windows): to flash the firmware, you’ll need a tool. If you are working with Windows, you can use the official flashtool and download it from the following link.

  • 3
    Step 3

    Build LuaNode (ESP32)

    Change your directory to LuaNode32

    * Export ESP32 toolchains by running the following command in Linux terminal, export PATH=/your_path/toolchains/esp32/bin:$PATH

    * Export IDF_PATH by running the command, export IDF_PATH=/your_path/LuaNode/LuaNode_Esp32/esp-idf/, where your_path is the path your save LuaNode.

    * Change directory to LuaNode32, and then compile the project, run make

    The firmware is generated in the build directory. The three bins file to be flashed is: partition-luanode.bin, bootload.bin, LuaNode.bin, respectively.

View all 5 instructions

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John Lauer wrote 11/06/2017 at 22:34 point

Check out for a new web ide for esp32 for lua. There is a precompiled firmware binary as well in that site so you don't have to do it on your own.

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Frank Buss wrote 12/09/2016 at 21:27 point

Nice, but wrong category, no way to fit it in 1 kB.

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myembed wrote 12/05/2016 at 02:54 point

19.99 $ ESP32 Dev Board

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myembed wrote 12/02/2016 at 08:12 point

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Mr. Crankypants wrote 12/02/2016 at 00:49 point

Very nice!  I have a compatible ESP-WROOM-32 hardware project that takes this flash image.  I don't even know enough about Lua to save scripts, but I'm learning fast!

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