
Functionalities and technical aspects : Improvements to do

A project log for Joytojoy

An Open assistive device design to add mouse or video game stick capabilities to your power wheelchair controller

julien-oudinJulien OUDIN 10/13/2022 at 13:120 Comments

After few weeks using Joytojoy and user testing, we consider several aspects to improve :

To fit user needs : Make it easy to use and customize

- Develop versatile program to switch from a stick function to a mouse without new upload

- Introduce wireless connection

- Implement multimodal accessibility features (visual/sound feed back)

- Check compatibility with different gaming hardware

- Easy 3d custom process to fit on the controller and adapt handle to user need (parametric design),

offer the possibility to change button place for right and left handled

- Study adding other user inputs (jack port to connect external switches...)

- Develop a configuration software

---->  Carry out tests with a larger panel of users to increase feedback

To expand possibilities :

- Make use of the device possible in stand-alone mode, without using a dedicated accessibility interface

- Study other uses of the device (head, foot : joytomove)

- Consider other applications (VR control, home automation features...)

To maximise accessibility :

PCB design, assembly instructions, experience assembly by others, get feedback on the fabrication process

Stream line microcontroller, allow the use of other microcontrollers to promote their reuse

Design Low-Tech enclosure process (wood, recycled containers...)

Study manufacturing process from prototyping to manufacturing (electronic board development, enclosure fabrication process)

Provision of DIY kits, final product

---->  We’ve made choices to continue  technical development and subject it to fabrication tests and user test with larger panels of makers an users.
