
Xtruder Line - Recycle 3D Printer Filament

Recycling of 3D Printer Filament using an open source extrusion line combined with a business process in which people can participate

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Short Description:
Recycling of 3D Printer Filament using an open source extrusion line combined with a business process in which people can participate in collecting raw material, recycling and the disribution of the finished goods.

The Problem:
3D printer are a great creativity tool but also cause a lot of plastic waste in form of misprints, base and support material or parts which are no longer needed.

The cure:
We transfer the plastic waste in a circular economy by producing new high quality and low cost filament from plastic scrap

Project Dashboard:

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Milestone 1: The Line is ready for production

Milestone 2: The Line is capable of handling  a proportion of > 80% recycling material

Milestone 3: The collection network is set up and functional

Milestone 4: The distribution network is set up and functional

Milestone 5: The Line generates > 10k€ in Salesvolume per year

Milestone 6: The Line operates with maximum energy efficiency and is largely powered by regenerative energy

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