HydraUSB3 V1 is an open source developer kit for the WCH CH569 MCU to experiment with streaming / high-speed protocols like HSPI and SerDes through USB3. It allows to test and discover the MCU main features, like:
- USB3 SS built-in PHY (5Gbps) and USB2 built-in PHY FS/LS/HS (480Mbps)
- Can be used as Device or Host.
- HydraUSB3 dedicated test firmware support USB2 HS and USB3 SS (in a transparent way) basic/bare metal stack in Device Bulk mode with Burst for USB3 Super Speed best performances.
- HydraUSB3 example firmware support streaming/transfer (with libusb) at more than 330Mbytes/s (from HydraUSB3 to PC Host) and more than 250Mbytes/s (from PC Host to HydraUSB3).
- HydraUSB3 test firmware for USB2 & USB3 does not requires any driver for Windows (using native WinUSB WCID descriptors in firmware) or GNU/Linux and is supported with libusb open source example codes.
- High Speed Parallel Interface (HSPI) up to 3.8Gbps with unique fast bidirectional parallel bus 8, 16 & 32bits up to 120MHz
- Can be interfaced with an FPGA to be used as USB3 Super Speed / HSPI bridge.
- Can be used to interface two HydraUSB3 boards for ultra fast communication/transfer of data.
- SerDes (up to 1.20Gbps officially, up to 1.38Gbps non officially)
- Can be interfaced with an FPGA to be used as USB3 Super Speed / SerDes bridge.
- Can be used to interface two HydraUSB3 boards for ultra fast communication or output some traces in real-time with latency < 1us.
- eMMC / SDCard (up to 96MHz 8bits mode with option/extension) Can be used over USB3 SS for ultra fast communication/transfer of data.
HydraUSB3 V1 Evaluation Board / Dev Kit and test firmware are not linked to HydraBus v1 hardware/firmware projects and will not replace it.
HydraUSB3 support natively dual board connection (without requiring any wire/cable except for SerDes connection which requires 2 wires for GXP/GXM)
- The aim is to connect two HydraUSB3 V1 boards together (one on top of another) for multi CPU communication / special streaming features and to use the different supported protocols between 2 boards (one board can act as device and the other as host with the help of PB24 jumper to identify host or device…).
HydraUSB3 V1 Board

HydraUSB3 V1 are available now on digikey.com HYDRAUSB3_V1 / 3792-HYDRAUSB3_V1-ND, Pack of 2x HydraUSB3 v1 boards are available now on HydraBus Store HydraUSB3 V1 is produced using components with Operating Temperature -40°C / +85°C (or more), the MCU WCH CH569W Operating Temperature is -20°C / + 85°C. Caution HydraUSB3 V1 is an Electrostatic Sensitive Devices Do Not Handle Except at a Static Free Workstation.
HydraUSB3 open source test firmware / API: See github: https://github.com/hydrausb3/hydrausb3_fw For more info on open test firmware or hardware for HydraUSB3 see https://github.com/hydrausb3/hydrausb3_fw/wiki/Getting-Started-with-HydraUSB3
HydraUSB3 V1 package content:

- Pack of 2x HydraUSB3 v1 boards are available now on HydraBus Store
- 1x HydraUSB3 V1 board (fully tested)
- Available now on Digi-Key (PN 3792-HYDRAUSB3_V1-ND)
- The board have 3 Jumpers populated on P4(SHUNT), PB22/ULED, PB23/UBTN
- Additional jumpers are required for other mode like Flash Mode P3, ENABLE 3V3_EXT, PB24
- Note: For Flash Mode P3 you can also just short the 2 pins during boot/power ON to Enter WCH ISP Flash Bootloader
- HydraUSB3 V1 board has been designed, produced & validated to meet the best possible performances
- Each board has been validated with impedance tests on SerDes (Zdiff 100 Ohms+/-10%), USB2 & USB3 signals (Zdiff 90 Ohms+/-10%)
- Each board use high quality Industrial Grade components
- Including +/-10ppm 30MHz Crystal (Operating Temperature -40℃~+85℃)
- The MCU WCH CH569W Operating Temperature is -20°C / + 85°C
- USB A Male to USB A male cable is NOT included (required to flash the WCH CH569 MCU or to communicate over USB2 or USB3 with the MCU).
- Warning It is MANDATORY to buy a “USB 3 Type A male to USB 3 Type A male cable” (the cable shall have Power+Data...