> Like my other laptop designs, they tend to "evolve" over the years, and this is no different with this one. In other words, the more I use it, the more I added extra functionality to it, including the Sensehat, the RTC module, and finally, the GPS with the USB to TTL wired together. That makes it more like an experimental/prototype-based device, except seeing how useful it is, I ended up using it as means of computing on the go. It's also a good thing I made the keyboard removable, It allows the factor of hacking into the equation.
> Wiring all the components together is a simple task since they're all modular, but to make it easier to maintain, I made the wires short while organizing them so they have a certain "style" to them, plus it makes it easier on retracing on where/which component is being connected to. In the end, it has paid off seeing how the wiring is being routed in a satisfying way.
> Features:
1.) Has laptop functionality (running on RPI OS)
2.) When removing the keyboard, it shows the easy-to-access internals, including the Sensehat module for environmental uses
3.) Uses RTC and the GPS module to keep time and location data.
4.) Has an external 80GB of storage for storing files.
5.) Has an amazing battery life (8 hours on idle when powered on)
6.) Has an LCD to present the time and the CPU load