Never has a single piece of dimensional plastic made someone so happy.

If you don't look too closely, it isn't half bad. I started a little too close to the print bed, and the filament has been sitting out in my workspace for a few months absorbing moisture, so there is a bit of under and over extrusion. The extruder is also retracting WAY to fast... but for a first print, I'll take the win!
The printer ran smoothly, the new drivers are nice and quiet.
The case fan isn't in the final configuration.
RGB Lights are working, but I want better control, so I'll have to add some G-Code to my start and stop scripts.
Octo-Print came online like a champ, a few updates and I was running.
I think my Z-Probe Offset is a little too close, but I can play with that.
All in all, I'm super happy. I have a bit of tuning to get back to the quality I had before, but nothing drastic.
Today is a good day.
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