

CM4 module with 256GB eMMC

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The aim of the project was to modify the eMMC memory (by soldering) from the default 32GB (SAMSUNG KLMBG2JETD-B041) to 256GB (SanDisk SDINBDD4-256G), ie to create a unique, custom CM4108256 ("Little Big Monster") configuration, which is not available on the market. For this purpose, a brand new Raspberry Pi CM4 module was used in the maximum configuration: 8GB RAM + 32GB eMMC + WiFi (CM4108032).

The following model (v5.1 standard) was used as eMMC memory: SanDisk iNAND7350, part number SDINBDD4-256G, in the BGA153 package.

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Ezra wrote 11/22/2023 at 01:30 point

couldn't you have gotten the max specs for everything but the lowest for emmc to save money because you're replacing it anyways?

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