
Log 6: Upgrading The Lens Design and Making More Of A Real Headset

A project log for The PsuedoPancakes

Because paying $2k for a piece of plastic is BS. IPD system included.

walkerdevWalkerDev 08/06/2023 at 17:310 Comments

A few small upgrades have happened from the last update to now! For example, let's start off by looking at the new lens design!

Some pros of this design includes

Also it will have about all of the 2.9 inch display visible without the borders, but still will 120mm focal length lens! As a reference, I made a scale drawing of the lens and put the original design atop it! I then shaded the part which was removed in black! 

When we put a lens over, let's see how much of the black is visible!

As you can see, the area in black is not visible mainly due to the fact that the area can't usually be seen by the user anyways! Going to test as the design is coming, as soon as it's done and it works, i'll share the design here! I also am heavily considering putting it on Tindie and/or Alibaba as my own store, given how well these work!

Aside from that, more sneak peek of the headset! This will be under it's own project given the extent I will go with this, but I will also open source it and possibly put it on TIndie!
