
Dual Chuck Robotic End Effector

A 3D printed self centering chuck robotic end effector design

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This is an old project of mine that I am trying to document and in some ways resurrect. I build this end effector for a robotics competition back in undergrad. The purpose of the device was to be able to manipulate two nobs at the same time. I made this possible by designing and 3D printing two self-centering chucks. Additionally, I utilize a transmission system to allow a single drive motor to both turn the chuck and to engage/disengage the chuck jaws. I will upload the CAD models to this page once I find them and provide some more documentation on how everything works.

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qtron wrote 04/19/2023 at 21:05 point

so, 2 knobs on a ? ?

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StephanStrassleRojas wrote 04/20/2023 at 21:09 point

It was designed to grab a hold of and play a small etch a sketch. The 4 jaw chuck is also large enough to clamp onto the top of a Rubix cube

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