

An NB-IOT add-on board for the Raspberry Pi Pico

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Watchible is an add on board for the Raspberry Pi Pico. It uses the Quectel BC66 which is a low cost, low power cellular modem that uses current NB-IOT bands. NB-IOT channels are low bandwidth and meant for small messages. The boards main features are that the BC66 is able to be put in sleep mode, and is able to maintain the connection. The Pico can wake up the BC66 when it needs to send a message This greatly reduces battery drain. The board has a connector for a battery. The board also has a very low impedance port, which can be used to trigger the BC66. This can be used for such things as water detection, or even touch.

Just got the new boards


Latest Schematic

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Bottom of the board

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Top of the board

JPEG Image - 51.26 kB - 02/17/2023 at 18:30


  • 1.78 mA in sleep mode

    pete.douma03/16/2023 at 15:34 0 comments

    I am able to get it running  consistently and only draws 1.78 mA in sleep mode

  • Driving down power consumption

    pete.douma03/15/2023 at 16:28 0 comments

    Working on new python code to put the BC66 modem in PSM ( deepsleep) and sync up with the Raspberry Pi Pico to use machine.lightsleep. This reduces power consumption to an average of about 3 mA.

    If an alarm goes off, it will wake up the board and send the alarm to the MQTT server

  • Driving down power consumption

    pete.douma03/15/2023 at 16:26 0 comments

    Working on new python code to put the BC66 modem in PSM ( deepsleep) and sync up with the Raspberry Pi Pico to use machine.lightsleep. This reduces power consumption to an average of about 3 mA.

    If an alarm goes off, it will wake up the board and send the alarm to the MQTT server

  • Boards are working

    pete.douma02/17/2023 at 18:33 0 comments

    Connected the board to the pico, and tested it by sending mqtt message to an open hivemq broker. Its working great!

  • New boards

    pete.douma09/21/2022 at 14:21 0 comments

    I just go the new boards. Due to supply chain issues some are missing parts. I will solder header pins on and see if I can talk to them from the PICO

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