
[R] Helmet Safety Initial Research

A project log for T^2 TyMist [gd0138]

I need some virtual desktop monitors that offer 90PPD at 90Hz.

kelvinakelvinA 11/19/2022 at 05:290 Comments

Now, because I've got a project called #TEOSS [gd0037] that will see me walking at elevated speeds, Moonwalkers inventor (a walk assist solution like TEOSS that's currently on Kickstarter) started to mine for a solution after almost colliding with a car on is scooter, and because this is a helmet which would be hard to transport in #TetInventory [gd0039], I'd very much like to know about and integrate safety features into TyMist. Just because certification is unlikely doesn't mean I shouldn't try and make projects safer. 

Initial expectations:

Initial mental simulation findings:

Search map:
