
Updating Designs

A project log for Modular OTS Cyberdeck Creation Kit

A suite of printables designed around using (mostly) off-the-shell parts to make your own custom computing platform/ Cyber Deck/ Lapdock

sp4mSp4m 3 days ago0 Comments

Howdy! It's been about 3 years since I started this project, and I've learned a few things since then.
1. I should have standardized the size of modules to be multiples of 10.

2. I should have spaced the holes at multiples of 20 or 10

3. Cable coming out of the top is functionally inferior to cable sticking out the back

4. I should have designed it for "normal sized" print beds.

5. More port clearance everywhere. I did all this work to integrate a docking station, it kills me when I can't get to a port I need.

6. Track pad's charging port is not accessible without removing the keyboard. This is a big one.

7. There is interest in a right-handed variant. I think a literal X-axis swap is possible.

So I'm gonna do those things! 
