
hacking the wr708n for production

A project log for Smart Aquaponics

Harnessing Nature, Linux And A Phone To Feed Ourselves

kijani-growskijani grows 08/13/2014 at 08:100 Comments

whereas using the wr708n router as a linux microcomputer  to front for atmega is fun and  cheaper than the current linux microcontoller solutions, it involves hacking the board by modifying surface mounted components. a process that is ok for hobbies but can soon become a  headache  for production. it is also possible to use the  beaglebone, or pi for the same function but this is a more costly solution. the transition from hobby to business has been one of the biggest challenges as prototyping and testing is an expensive endeavor. so how to make cost efficient and more reliable products is one of the daily quests ... it seems looking east is where many answers lay.
