
Simple Power Meter on 100A.

Voltage, current, power, frequency and energy.

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This project allows you to view the real readings of voltage, current, power, frequency and the value of the consumed electricity whith charts via the internet.

In order for PZEM - 004T V3 module to bring some benefit and, for example, to allow viewing readings via the Internet, logging data, it is necessary to add a number of other devices to it, be it an arduino, an esp, a display of your choice, a separate power supply for all this affairs. As a result, the whole device comes out quite massive, difficult to assemble, and not very reliable.

I want to offer my assembly of a power meter device based on PZEM - 004T V3, maybe it will be useful to someone.

  • 1 × PZEM-004T V3 Electronic module that functions to measure: Voltage, Current, Power, Frequency, Energy and Power Factors.
  • 1 × CC2541 Bluetooth low energy module.
  • 1 × Soldering iron (generic)
  • 1 × Solder Wire, Lead Free
  • 1 × Iot Manager (Android/iOS)

View all 6 components

  • 1
    Assembling the Device:

    The BLE module on the CC2541 chip is connected (by soldering) to the main PZEM - 004T module (4 wiring).

    This should NOT be a module from the manufacturer Jinan Huamao Technology, but from third-party companies (it can be marked as HM-10, MLT-BT05, AT-09, they are distinguished by low cost).

    It receives power from the stabilizer of the PZEM module, its power is quite enough. Flashing is NOT required.

  • 2
    Connection and Installation:

    Then all this is connected and installed where you need it, in the same electrical panel. It does not take up much space, you can even assemble it in the original case, in which these PZEM are sold.

                             !!!Attention!!! Remember that this device works with high voltage!!!

  • 3
    Android Smartphone:

    You will also need an android smartphone with BLE support. It may be an outdated smartphone, I'm sure many have one. This smartphone will act as an intermediary between our module and Internet access. It communicates with our device, receives readings from it and allows you to view them from any other smartphone, through the Iot Manager app.

    Or it simply logs readings without any network.

    It is also possible to receive email about various events (exceeding power, power outages, etc.).

       Some explanation to tab Control:

    • First of all enter value, but then choose an option.

    • Enter value <number or >number to control voltage, current, active power, active energy, charging, baterry level.

    (For example: Enter value <220 and if voltage is being 219, you take a message to email.)

    • Enter value + or - and choose Option "charging" to control charging.

    • Enter value * and choose Option "reset" to reset active energy.

    • Enter value # and number to. Then choose Option "ticktime" for correcting ticktime.

View all 5 instructions

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