3Solder Wemos D1 module - headers to module first
10How to configure time zone
All Clocks are shipped with pre-installed firmware. Unfortunately, timezone settings are hardwired in the firmware (one day I will rewrite it to be able to change it without re-flashing). So unless you order from Europe, chances are you need to reconfigure timezone are pretty high.
After you install vscode and Platformio, and hopefully able to build firmware, you just need to chang single line in the platformio.ini file
build_flags = ${env.build_flags} '-D TIMEZONE="CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3"'
Tricky part is to know the right value to replace. tz.h file will give you more than 200 common examples
//********************************************************************************************************* // Examples for time zones * //********************************************************************************************************* // UTC GMT0 // Africa/Abidjan GMT0 // Africa/Accra GMT0 // Africa/Addis_Ababa EAT-3 // Africa/Algiers CET-1 // Africa/Blantyre, Harare CAT-2 ... // US/Michigan EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0 // US/Samoa SST11 // US/Los Angeles PST8PDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0 // US/Houston CST6CDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0
and this website will give few more on top of that.
When the right value is found, rebuilding and flashing firmware will finish the quest.
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How i can change the time formate 24 hours to 12 hours?
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Thank you that's a great help
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Hi Arantansi
Built the clock and think its great. I have two questions
1) How can I limit the maximum brightness of the display?
2)How can I handle the change to/from daylight saving without changing the timezone and reload the program in the clock?
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Hey Robert
1. You're looking for this line: https://github.com/anabolyc/esp-led-matrix-clock/blob/master/firmware/esp8266-led-clock/src/renderer/AutoBrightness.h#LL8C9-L8C30
2. When it will synchronize the clock it will take into account DST. That's the whole beauty of having internet connected clock :)
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I cannot find the clock on my network after setup and would like to know how to go back to the AP start
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Following instruction above to connect to connect to ESP_209581, I have an ip address of Using the browser on my phone with that address, I am returned with an error code err_connection_timed_out or err_connection_refused. Any idea ?
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Usually you will get redirected by your phone automatically, I'm not sure it should respond on the root address. I will double check with my clock and get back to you
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OK. When trying to access the clock from my PC, not my phone, I get That worked just fine. Thanks for your reply.
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How to configure for 12h mode
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please remove this line from platformio.ini
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