
DIY ESP8266 Led Matrix Clock Kit

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Entry-level DIY kit, designed as fun activity one can complete in one evening


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Shourov Paul wrote 09/19/2023 at 17:17 point

How i can change the time formate 24 hours to 12 hours?

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Robert White wrote 06/10/2023 at 09:27 point

Thank you that's a great help

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Robert White wrote 06/08/2023 at 21:59 point

Hi Arantansi

Built the clock and think its great. I have two questions

1) How can I limit the maximum brightness of the display?

2)How can I handle the change to/from daylight saving without changing the timezone and reload the program in the clock?




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andriy.malyshenko wrote 06/08/2023 at 22:58 point

Hey Robert

1. You're looking for this line:

2. When it will synchronize the clock it will take into account DST. That's the whole beauty of having internet connected clock :)

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dekinter wrote 04/25/2023 at 21:39 point

I cannot find the clock on my network after setup and would like to know how to go back to the AP start

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Serge Ménard wrote 04/11/2023 at 20:10 point

Following instruction above to connect to connect to ESP_209581, I have an ip address of Using the browser on my phone with that address, I am returned with an error code err_connection_timed_out or err_connection_refused. Any idea ? 

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andriy.malyshenko wrote 04/15/2023 at 21:13 point

Usually you will get redirected by your phone automatically, I'm not sure it should respond on the root address. I will double check with my clock and get back to you

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Serge Ménard wrote 04/15/2023 at 21:17 point

OK. When trying to access the clock from my PC, not my phone, I get That worked just fine. Thanks for your reply.

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aratansi wrote 04/01/2023 at 19:55 point


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aratansi wrote 04/01/2023 at 12:45 point

How to configure for 12h mode

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andriy.malyshenko wrote 04/01/2023 at 19:24 point

please remove this line from platformio.ini


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