
Pico Pomodoro Timer

The best way to pace work time and break time on the go.

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After 7 months, 3 iterations, and about 12 hours straight of coding I finally got this project together! It's a pico-powered Pomodoro study timer. About a year ago I learned about the Pomodoro method of pacing study/work sessions and fell in love. I had issues with the ones on web pages because I couldn't take them with me on my brakes and the mobile versions cost money, so I decided to spend triple that on making a physical timer dedicated to the Italian tomato timer gods. I do plan to add more functionality down the line so stay tuned.

Nearly all parts can be found on Adafruit and there's a parts list on GitHub with links.

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Luke wrote 11/15/2022 at 08:21 point

Any chance you have a schematic or wiring diagram?

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Gene Pavlovsky wrote 11/10/2022 at 22:51 point

Sorry, but where is the link to the project's GitHub?

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AveragestJoe wrote 11/10/2022 at 23:15 point

It's under the external links section, next to the GitHub cat.

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Gene Pavlovsky wrote 11/11/2022 at 07:47 point

I might be going blind or something, I just don't see any such section:

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Jonathan Moore wrote 12/19/2022 at 23:52 point

@Gene Pavlovsky On the left, down below "Team".  It's not exactly obvious.  Link is here:

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