
Squeak Cloud Service

A project log for Squeak: GPS pet tracker

Squeak is a LoRaWAN GPS pet tracker with a very long battery life. It allows you to ask your pets to share their location

mihaicuciucmihai.cuciuc 12/12/2022 at 04:560 Comments

Squeak uses LoRaWAN for connectivity but the data on the network has to make it to the pet owner. Solutions in the previous posts did get the job done but were rather hacky, having to go through Google Sheets or to configure Datacake for Squeak. These also required users to poll the data for any location updates.

The Squeak Cloud Service is a custom platform that uses AWS for data storage and for the business logic and a Telegram bot to allow owners to interact with their hardware.

Bot commands

The user is contacted by the bot in any of the following cases:


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