
Reading out the ROM

A project log for Reverse Engineering the Janome Memory Cards

Reading the ROM on the Janome MemoryCraft 9000 memory cards

esophagooseesophagoose 11/17/2022 at 05:530 Comments

Flywired the memory card to 0.1" headers then jumpered them to an Arduino Mega.

Here's the start of it:

I'm using pyembroidery to parse the results. Looking online, everywhere said these should be *.sew files and thankfully pyembroidery has a parser so I can see how it works. 

To test to make sure it works, Janome has some free design you can download and here's "Fairy and Ladybug":

And I get this on my readout:
Lovely. But it's far too few points. Looking at the source code of the parser, it seeks the file to a magic number 0x1D78. Looking at the file in a hex editor, it's all zeros until that address. On my readout, it looks like the data starts at 0x3000 so I set it to seek there. Interesting point, my filler bytes are all 0xFF not 0x00

More points but not right. I'm expecting something like this (Memory 101 column):

hmm ...
