
Project Log 90: "Final" Project Log.

A project log for DIY Mech or Exoskeleton suit.

Mechs are not viable, nor cheap, so I will try to design and build one alone anyway.

fulanodetailFulanoDetail 12/03/2024 at 20:392 Comments

I started this project log on a Sunday, 08/09/2024, at 07:59.

However, for the last 3 months, I've been both procrastinating and slowly making progress on the project.

Still, I feel like in the entire last month I kept doing a whole bunch of nothing, literally doing anything else, avoiding at all costs this project since I have absolutely no energy to continue the project (for now).

Well, my intention was to finish the project and 3D model everything before the end of November, because day 24 would be the anniversary of 2 years of this damned project.

Well, that didn't happened.

Even so, the google document that I initially intended on post here ended up with 368 pages.
I literally cannot post here in Hackaday, but I had the intention of making a summary (which I also didn't finish).

I feel like everything I've been doing so far was just rambling useless things that won't add anything substantial to the project, and again, the text ended up a gigantic mess.

I do intend on continuing the project, but goddamn, I don't feel like I can actually finish it right now.

In any manner, I will leave the link here, so you can check right now and hopefully find something useful on it:

Google Doc: DIY Mech/Exoskeleton suit: Project Log 90.


kelvinA wrote 12/08/2024 at 18:33 point

Surely this must be the world record for "Largest Project Log"!

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FulanoDetail wrote 12/08/2024 at 19:23 point


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