
Digital board for spectrum analyzer

part of experimental rf system

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This is digital part of an experimental RF receiver. It works with:

This board includes:
- ADC with input amplifier
- some power supplies
- simple graphics controller for LCD implemented in FPGA
- signal processing implemented in FPGA: conversion to baseband, filtering, downsampling, RMS calculations
- microcontroller which controls the whole system, does calculations on the results from FPGA, controls keyboard and display.

Design documentation is attached (see "Files")

design files and description of digital part of spectrum analyzer

Zip Archive - 7.79 MB - 11/27/2022 at 19:27


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L4wudu wrote 08/09/2023 at 23:41 point

Are you using only FIR filters before each decimate by 10 stage? How many taps?

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michal777 wrote 08/28/2023 at 09:30 point

First the signal is multiplied by 3MHz sin and cos digitally, then FIR filtering with simultaneous dropping samples for decimation (both I and Q signals). After one or more filtering/decimation stages, RMS is calculated from remaining samples - that's all. About 120 taps (probably the filter is currently too good for the hardware so it's just some initial value to be tuned later).

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