
3D printed Bench Press - Prensa 3D impresa FCFM

A 3D printed bench press done by FCFM students from the Manufacture Process course.

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This 3D printed bench press main feature is the modularity. All the important components of the project are detachable, so you can print your own in case they fail or you need other requirements

La principal ventaja de esta prensa impresa en 3D es su modularidad. Todos los componentes relevantes del proyecto son desmontables, lo cual permite imprimir propios en caso de falla o si se necesitan otros requerimientos

This 3D printed bench press features removable parts so you can change them if they fail or you need components with different requirements.

The 300 mm M8 thread transmits more strengh than other components used in different bench press, has a low cost and its easily findable in stores. The 300 mm lenght used gives a total aperture of 130 mm to the bench press

The M5 parker screws give the necesary strength to join the different components and hold them whiloe the bench is being used

The 60x70 mm jaws can grab different size components

Total weight: 492 gr

Total printing time: 24 hours aprox.


Esta prensa de banco impresa en 3D cuenta con partes removibles para que puedas cambiarlas si necesitas componentes con requerimientos diferentes.

El hilo M8 de 300 mm transmite más fuerza que otros componentes usados en otras prensas de banco. tiene un bajo coste y es fácilmente encontrable en tiends. El largo de 300 mm utilizado entrega una apertura de 130 mm a la prensa de banco.

Los pernos Parker M5 entregan la fuerza necesaria para unir los diferentes componentes y mantenerlos mientras la prensa está siendo utilizada.

Las mordazas de 60x70 mm pueden agarrar componentes de diferentes tamaños.

Peso total: 492 gr

Tiempo total de impresión: 24 horas aprox.

riel v23.f3d

fusion - 147.01 kB - 12/02/2022 at 04:02


BaseP3 v2.f3d

fusion - 226.28 kB - 12/02/2022 at 04:02


manilla v4.f3d

fusion - 174.16 kB - 12/02/2022 at 04:02


BaseP1 v6.f3d

fusion - 224.83 kB - 12/02/2022 at 04:02


BaseP2 v3.f3d

fusion - 224.67 kB - 12/02/2022 at 04:02


View all 11 files

  • 1 × Rails Rails fopr the movile jaw
  • 1 × Movile jaw Movile jaw for the bench press
  • 1 × Static jaw Static jaw fpr the bench press
  • 1 × Base 1 1 part of the base for the rails
  • 1 × M8 Thread 300 mm M8 thread to move the movile jaw.

View all 17 components

  • Assembly

    Fernando12/02/2022 at 04:49 0 comments

    The final assembly is shown next.

    Total weight: 492 grams

    The main thread, the bearing and all the screws used are the following:

    A total of one pillow head bearing, 3 M8 nuts, 15 M5 nuts and 15 M5 Parker screws were used.

    As for the assembling itself, the first step consists on placing the rails over the base and the moving jaw over the rails (the moving jaw could already have the bearing put on), being careful on selecting the correct orientation for the rails. It is kind of intuitive so it should not go wrong. At the same time, the nut box and the fixed jaw can be placed on the ends of the base as it can be seen in the picture.

    Then, all the M5 screws needed can be used to join the parts to the base. After this is done, the main thread should start entering into the nut box, and before it reaches the bearing from the moving jaw, the mut box cover should be placed. When the main thread is properly inserted into the bearing, its screws should be tightened. The nut box and its cover should also be tightened.

    Lastly, the C-shaped component should be placed at the end of the base with a special shape (you will know which one we are referring to).

    The design is quite self-explanatory, specially if you have the photo of the assembly by your side. If you see an hexagonal moulding, an M5 nut should go there. There is only one bigger moulding, which is of course for an M8 nut (the other tho M8 nuts go inside the slots of the rubbers).

  • Printing Process

    Fernando12/01/2022 at 19:33 0 comments

    First, each component is designed in the Fusion 360 software, using commercial bench presses as reference. That's also the case for the dimensions of our 3D printed bench press.

    One of the challenges of our design was to ensure smooth movement for the shaft and tight joints between components. With that in mind, a pillow block bearing was added to the design and multiple holes for M5 and M8 screws. The 3D model also include hexagonal-shaped mouldings, where nuts are inserted in order to tighten the joints.

    A C-shaped component was added later to press the bench press against a table. This component includes 2 handles and cushions to fulfill its mission.

    The 3D printing process starts using CREALITY Ender 3 printers. Recommended printing parameters for Ender 3 were chosen: bed temperature 60ºC and extruder temperature 210ºC.  Also, default layer height was 20 mm and infill density chosen was 20%.


     The first components printed were the rails.

    Plate adhesion type: Skirt

    The printing process of the rails lasted 5 hours and 49 minutes.

    Total weight: 115 grams.

    The resulting part is shown next.

    Fixed Jaw

    The second component printed was the fixed jaw. It has the same parameters than the rails (which is the case for almost every component).

    Printing time was 3 hours and 20 minutes.

    Total weight: 78 grams.

    The final product is shown next:


    Three handles were printed at the same time. One for the main thread and the other two for the C-shaped component.

    Plate adhesion type: raft.

    Total printing time: 1 hour and 30 minutes.

    Total weight: 17 grams.


    A first iteration of the design is shown.

    The cushions were redesigned when the deadline was approaching. The hexagonal moulding was replaced by a slot in order to avoid displacements of the nut.

    Plate adhesion type: raft

    Total printing time: 1 hour and 24 minutes

    Total weight: 18 grams

    Moving Jaw

    Plate adhesion type:

    Total printing time: 3 hours and 20 minutes.

    Total weight: 70 grams.


    Initially, the base was just a solid block component, but it was so big that it didn't fit in the printer's bed, so it had to be divided into 2. Also, a hole was made in the center in order to reduce printing time.

    Plate adhesion type: Skirt.

    Printing time was 6 hours and 3 minutes.
    Total weight: 123 grams.

    C-shaped support

    Plate adhesion type: Skirt

    Total printing time: 3 hours and 13 minutes

    Total weight: 36 grams.

    Nut thread box (and cover)

    Box and cover were printed at the same time

    Plate adhesion type: Raft

    Total printing time: 3 hours and 27 minutes

    Total weight: 42 grams.

    We realized that a hole was missing on the cover part, so it had to be redesigned and reprinted. Also, covers for the nuts were needed.

    Total printing time of the covers: 45 minutes

    Total weight of the parts: 13 grams

View all 2 project logs

  • 1
    Printing the components, Imprimir los componentes

    First, you need to print all the listed components of the bench press 

    Primero, se deben imprimir todos los componentes listados de la prensa

  • 2
    Assemble the rails with the 3 base components. Unir rieles con los 3 componentes de la base

    Using the M5 screws and nuts, connect the 3 base components to the rails

    Utilizando los pernos y tuercas M5, unir el riel con los tres componentes de la base

  • 3
    Assemble Nut thread box and Thread box cover. Unir la caja de la tuerca del hilo con la caja de cubierta del hilo

    Using the M5 screws and nuts, join together the Nut thread box and the Thread box cover, and then attach this assemble to the rails

    Utilizando los pernos y tuercas M5, unir la caja de la tuerca del hilo con la caja que cubre el hilo, y luego unir este ensamble a los rieles.

View all 8 instructions

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