W010-CPM80A-BSCA-35-user-1.zipTwo files with duplicate file names but a different user.These support the SGT1 video card for screen I/O. Zip Archive - 8.53 kB - 12/05/2022 at 20:48 |
W010 CPM80A.zipCP/M 80A manual in html form.Zip Archive - 2.48 MB - 12/02/2022 at 00:20 |
W010-CPM80A-BSCA-35-disk.zipBIOS Source Code for the SCPUA.All the files from this disc, as listed in the README.TXT file. Zip Archive - 50.20 kB - 12/04/2022 at 16:43 |
README.TXTLists the source code files for the BIOS routines for CP/M 3.plain - 1.44 kB - 12/02/2022 at 00:00 |
W010-CPM80A-BOOT-disk.imgThe boot disc imagex-raw-disk-image - 720.00 kB - 12/03/2022 at 19:02 |
W010-CPM80A-BSCA-35-disk.imgBIOS Source Code for the SCPUA.x-raw-disk-image - 720.00 kB - 12/03/2022 at 19:02 |
ATLAS_1984-10-23.txtATLAS.MAC edited to assemble online at asm80.com. Edited to generate the code in the ROM dated 1984-10-23.plain - 22.12 kB - 12/03/2022 at 15:42 |
ATLAS_1984-10-06.txtATLAS.MAC dated 1984-10-06, edited to assemble online at asm80.com. Generates different code than the ROM dated 1984-10-23 that I reverse engineered.plain - 21.56 kB - 12/03/2022 at 01:58 |
ATLAS.MAC.txtSource code for the boot ROM.The .txt has been added to the filename so you can read it here online. plain - 21.26 kB - 12/02/2022 at 00:03 |