
Electronic work bench

This project is to build a work bench that is strong and is collapsible for ease of transport

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This project is to build a electronic work bench that is strong and is collapsible for ease of transport.

I have used trestles in various places I've worked in the past to build temporary work benches. So I was thinking of building a electronic work bench using MDF panels and foldable trestles.

Using the folding trestles in the design gives the bench stability and can take weight up to 500kgs. But the main reason for the trestles is the ability to fold down to a compact shape for easy of transport or storage. The table top can be removed and placed against a wall with the two shadow boards when not in use.

  • Update 2

    Chris Wheeler12/12/2022 at 10:03 0 comments

    The 13 Amp sockets maybe an issue, when it comes to plugging items in, on the previous design. 

    So reoriented the sockets by 90 degrees (facing up) and making a small hole in the tabletop for the cable gland to pass through. 

    In turn the hole will be hidden by the sockets enclosure and the mains cable will pass beneath the tabletop surface.

  • Update 1

    Chris Wheeler12/12/2022 at 10:00 0 comments

    Making measurements of the trestles dimensions has shown a large area at the back of the work bench. Which is ideal for electronic test equipment, solder iron etc.
    By adding a small steel plate to the back of the bench to fix a magnetic kidney bowl, which is perfect for screws and metal parts when dismantling electronic devices. 
    A series of holes for more tools at the back of the bench for general hand tools (screwdrivers, pliers etc.), this is a great addition to the extra shadow boards on the sides of the bench.

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Chris Wheeler wrote 12/12/2022 at 21:12 point

Hi Devon, 

That's a great idea, I will put your suggestion in the next update drawing :)

Thank you 👍

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Devon wrote 12/12/2022 at 19:49 point

I would suggest a plywood top with a replaceable sheet of hardboard on top shiny side out. That stuff takes a lot of abuse and you can easily replace it.

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