Led Jar is a decorative or night lamp powered by a 18650 lithium-ion battery and controlled by ATtiny85 MCU. It uses three independently driven dew drop strings, but all fancy modes (animations) were removed from the code as they were rarely used.
- Four levels of brightness.
- Battery over-discharge protection and indication.
- Integrated USB Type-C charger.
The custom PCB was reused from a different project, and the schematic is quite minimalistic.
The LED strings are connected to PWM outputs through a 5 Ohm resistor though the initial version without the limiting resistor works for more than a year without any visible degradation.
3D printed components
The jar lid and battery cover are modeled in Fusion 360 and 3D printed on a regular FDM 3d printer (STEP files are attached). M3, M2.5 screws, and a hot glue gun are used to assemble everything.
The code looks a bit overcomplicated (probably, that's typical for my projects), but it's split into files with meaningful names. The MCU sleeps if the lights are turned off or 100% on. Unfortunately, it cannot sleep and generate a PWM signal, so SLEEP_MODE_IDLE is used in that case.
When the battery voltage drops below 3V (configurable in the code), the MCU blinks twice and switches off the lights. Now it'll not allow a user to turn on the lights - it'll only blink.
A few more photos