
otdm-tools ver: 0.20.5 apt install otdm-grafana-ds-mysql

A project log for oiyshTerminal

Local server collection of IoT system with some additional futures. Works by default offline, based on .deb .npm .pipy

yoyoek1yOyOeK1 12/30/2022 at 17:030 Comments

What a odd place to think about looking for solutions for grafana in apt
repository. But look...

Continuation of previews video there is some progress DONE.
In this video you can see full process:
- building [project]
- it's getting predefined information from designing grafana instance
- updating data in project directory.
- executing otdm tasker
- executing dpkg building sequence. - putting ready .deb file to repository directory
- updates directory of repository for apt

then you can see a installation process :)

$ apt install otdm-grafana-ds-mysql

All mechanisms in this task are start. dpkg in checkin dependencies and solving them. pre post install do the magic.

And it's... in grafana

$ apt remove otdm-grafana-ds-mysql

removes all it needs. Datasource is not there.

