
Finished clock

A project log for Linear RGB LED Clock

A unique way to display time. Designed to be easily readable. Just count the colored dots!

janJan 02/05/2017 at 14:400 Comments


After a long time of absence (and other projects in abeyance) I present you my latest, finished project. To keep it short - a detailed build log is in the works - I'll just show you the finished clock. It's as simple as counting a few dots and summarize them.

Yes I know, nothing beats a nice, round standard clock in terms of readability, but if I wanted a standard clock I would've bought one...

The system is simple: from left to right: Red = hours 1 - 12, green = decadic minutes 10 - 50, blue = single minutes 1 - 9. Better pics will follow, I promise! See gallery for a few additional pics. The ones I took are a bit washed out color-wise and really don't do it justice.

Have a look at my


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