
MCXY - Mini Laser - cuted aliminium 3D printer

Small compact 3d printer

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Concept of simple laser cuted printer.


Dimensions 190x190x251cm
Plate dimensions 790x470x2mm aluminium
Print volume only 8x8x8cm, maybe more
Graphics or text display
Arduino mega and RAMPS

Why small?

1. I have bigger printer but every print above 5cm is hours and hours of waiting.
2. I want something small, desktop, portable ...
3. Designed as proof of concept
4. Drawing can be simple expanded in future for bigger printer

Main advantages.

- world fist printer drawed in Eagle PCB CAD :D (included)
- no printed parts
- core xy movements

I working on it now, nothing is finished, some parts missing :)

Manufactured in WWW.IDILNA.CZ

Laser cut with material (2mm dural) cost about 40Eur (1000czk)
Some parts are doubled or useless.

I draw all without bearings in hand = now I need revise all to double all bearings :(


AutoCAD DXF - 497.19 kB - 12/12/2016 at 09:38



brd - 130.49 kB - 12/12/2016 at 09:37


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Kapil Saraswat wrote 05/21/2018 at 19:07 point

Can you upload the video, images and new dxf file for the reference. Thanks. Nice 3D printer

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michalgaska wrote 04/25/2017 at 06:59 point

Hi :)

What was the price of cutting all these Alu parts?


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bobricius wrote 04/25/2017 at 07:04 point

about 40eur.

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Miroslav Zuzelka wrote 01/27/2017 at 15:26 point


this is really interesting for me! Did you make any progress? Do you have more info? 

Thanks for info.

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