
IoT Geiger Counter with RN4870 BLE Module

Beginner IoT project with RN4870 Bluetooth Low Energy Module

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In this project using Microchip's RN4870/RN4870U BLE modules I am going to explore the following topics:
Setting up a basic BLE config, connecting the module to other devices or running it stand-alone via scripts (the RN4870 is an MCU in its own right), sending basic or more comprehensive data to my phone and vice versa, designing a proper BT antenna if that's necessary, and so forth.

After that is done I want to conceive one real IoT device - connecting the BLE module to a Geiger counter prototype say, and send about some actual measurement data.

1. Hardware set-up

Soldering all necessary connections is a little tricky because the small SMD board is not really prototype friendly. So either using some sort of adaptor, or soldering very carefully with fine wire and a fine soldering tip.

Used pins (RN4870 variant):

  • Pin 2 - GND (from MCU)
  • Pin 4 - VBAT (3.3V) (from MCU)
  • Pin 23 - UART_TX (to UART_RX MCU)
  • Pin 22 - UART_RX (to UART_TX MCU)
  • (optional) Pin 30 - P0_2/LED (to 100+240 Ohm resistors and red LED)
  • (optional) Pin 26 - UART RX Indication

For the RN4870U variant there is an antenna connection on Pin 30 (I soldered for my first tries just a makeshift antenna).

Baud rate e.g. 115200 (default); UART settings documented in the User's Guide, chapter 1.4.

2. BLE Scanner App

After the hardware has been set up the device and the quite peculiar BLE hierarchy should appear in the BLE Scanner App.

Screenshot on the right shows an already implemented private service UUID, beside the Transparent UART Service UUID.

(name of the device can be customized as a matter of course).

3. BLE module set-up

It is straightforward ASCII command communication with a device capable of communicating on the serial port (e.g. tool "minicom" on the Raspberry Pi), so I won't bother writing much about it.

E.g. in command mode (instigated with string "$$$") I can send "GNR\r" (or "GNR\r\n", doesn't matter) to the module, i.e. getting the name of the connected peer device. "V\r" would fetch the firmware version. 

Important are commands such as "PS,(...)\r" or "PC,(...)\r", which are setting up Private Services and Private Characteristics (see User's Guide for details).

Example screenshot (note the characteristic UUID "handle" value printed on second position in the second line after the "LS\r" command: 0412):

Configuring the device has to be carried out only once essentially. A (subsequently connected) MCU has just to know about the value of the "handle" to access the characteristic via its properties (e.g. write).

4. Demo Video

In German, English subtitles available.


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  • Tests with RN4870

    Florian Wilhelm Dirnberger01/29/2023 at 15:47 0 comments

    For some reason the first prototype (with RN4870U) ceased to work so I created a second one. This time with an RN4870, which has already an antenna.

    It appears that the makeshift antenna for the RN4870U wasn't that inappropriate, for I barely see any difference in signal strength.

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