1Start by checking all parts are present
Make sure that all parts came in good shape and no apparent damage is done on the way. Flash RadioBox software to Wemos D1 board just to make sure it works. You should be able to pick up local radio stations with just Wemos module installed. Piece of wire of even your finger will serve minimal antenna.
2Solder antenna connector
Start by soldering antenna connector, later access to it will be obscured by the screen
3Solder Wemos D1 module - headers to module first
Solder headers to the Wemos D1 module. Long part of the header should be directed to the motherboard. Make sure to align them right, use motherboard as an aligning tool. When soldered it will be tightly pressed against battery socket.
Start with just one pin each side and double check your work. Then you can proceed to other pins
4Solder Wemos D1 module - motherboard side
Solder headers to the motherboard from the back side. Do not use too much solder, just enough to make solid connection. Excessive solder will block battery connector later on
5Assemble screen
Assemble 4 brass rings on the screen. Use 4 M2 screws.
6Cut screen connecor pins
For battery connector to fit properly it is necessary to sut screen pins short. Pin length should be just 1-2 mm above brass ring. Start with just one pin and try placing the screen on the motherboard - pin should not outstand the PCB surface more than half millimeter
7Screw screen to the motherboard
Use remaining 4 M2 screws to connect screen to the motherboard firmly. Make sure the screen is well aligned.
8Solder screen connector in place
Use just enough solder to connect screen to the motherboard. Do not leave large bulges
9Flash firmware
Before connecting battery socket flash firmware and make sure both Wemos module and screen work together when powered via USB port of D1 module. Only then solder battery connector.
10Solder battery socket in place
Place battery socket between Wemos header pins, it should just barely fit. Double check alignment pin and corresponding hole in the motherboard.
It will not lay perfectly on the back side of the motherboard because of the screen connector and bolts, but it should be solderable nevertheless.
When ready, solder it in place.
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