From January, I received a non-working CASIO PB-700 unit,
I decided to rebrain it with modern MCU, bigger & lighted screen.
I wanted from a long time my own homebrewed Programmer CALC,
Programmable, Easy number-base deal, Enough ground storage & RAM.
I adapted again a pretty old BASIC interpreter (with pre-allocated RAM) for Arduinos,
Wired 2x screens (one as status display the other for main display),
Kept the buzzer,
Decoded the keyboard interface.
The whole is powered by a Rpi 2040 (pico).
I'm still working on the core BASIC / software part...
short animation of my demo : CRAFT
Graphics Interchange Format -
3.53 MB -
02/01/2023 at 19:20
How many days you wait between asking this question of every battery operated project? 🤣 Well I see you follow many such projects so I guess you are keen.
Nice project <3 Just my two cents, if i where to do something like this i would have abandoned the second screen idea and made a new bezel to cover the fact that the new display is a bit smaller.
How many weeks this device work on one charge?