Please see this project's github repository for source code and build guide:
A low-power E-Paper weather display powered by an ESP32 microcontroller. Utilizes the OpenWeatherMap API.
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Please see this project's github repository for source code and build guide:
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This is fixed already:
The certificate validation feature is on by default for enhanced security, but yes, it does require occasional manual updates. If you wish to not have this trouble in the future, you can disable it in config.h, uncomment #define USE_HTTPS_NO_CERT_VERIF
I bought a 3in x 3in board, cut it to the dimensions that can be found on the gothub page. The I used a drill press to tediously hollow it out fron the bottom. I used a hacksaw to cut a slit for the screen to sit in.
That looks absolutely beautiful.
Noob question, I am new to this. The firebeetle seems to run on 3.3V, but the BME280 I see in the pictures seems to be the 5V one. Which one am I supposed to take?
Hi @j0lle,
This comment should answer your question:
Hope that helps.
I believe there are community projects that enable mruby to run on the esp32, however, this project is not set up for mruby.
This looks like a really cool project! I love the idea of having a weather display that is powered by E-Paper and can run for months on a single battery. I'm also impressed by the number of configuration options that are available.
I'm not sure if I'm ready to build this project myself, but I'm definitely going to check out the GitHub repository. Thanks for sharing!
I'm glad to hear that you're interested! Thanks for the kind words :)
If you decide to build it and run into any issues or have any questions feel free to leave a comment here or open an issue on github, I would be happy to provide any guidance and any feedback is always welcome.
Hi again,
absolute excellent project. I will build this with pupils in my secondary school.
Kind regards
I tried to upload your fine work to the firebeetle and get the error:
Serial port /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port
A fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to ESP32: No serial data received.
For troubleshooting steps visit:
*** [upload] Error 2
It looks like the Vscode tried to upload with bluetooth. I think the Ch34X driver is installed properly but are not shure if it is not block in os X security settings.
Can you give me help
thank you Mathias
Got it. Got to security and allow the ch340 driver.
Excellent project, great info layout, wasted no time in building it this week. I had one issue, where it appeared to get stuck after 2 days of operation on battery and went crazy with weather api calls, burned through the 1,000 today in short order. Have you seen anything resembling this issue? Prior to today it worked fine. I pulled the power and reset it, and appears to be sleeping properly again, but will have to wait until tomorrow when the 1,000 count resets to make sure. Thanks again for a very cool project.
Glad to hear you liked it. I haven't heard of any issues related to your issue. Could you open an issue on github? If you open an issue on github copy the output from the serial monitor as part of the issue's description, this might help us debug and patch this.
I'll see if I can get it to reproduce and will open the issue if I can.
Just to update, I haven't gotten it to mess up again yet, but I'm going to leave it connected to the computer and dumping serial monitor to log for a week or so. If it messes up I'll push the logs out to you.
I was able to get logs and a backtrace of the crash to the dev, he was able to locate and fix the problem. The current code on github contains the fix, so update and you should be good to go.
Great project! I've been wanting an an ePaper weather station and the layout/data on this one looked great so I built it! I wanted to hang it on the wall rather than a desk, so I created a 3d printed enclosure that works well. It would be nice if the hourly data indicated snow vs. rain rather than just precipitation (either on the graph or little icons below), so I may play around with that. Thanks for sharing!
Excellent project; I plan to build two of them. While I wait for the components to arrive, may you tell me the wooden box dimensions? Thanks.
That's exciting! Here are the dimensions:
depth: 63mm
height: 49mm
width: 170.2mm (= width of the screen)
screen angle: 80deg
screen is 15mm from the front
Thank you! That is perfect. I also bought the three-color panel and will learn how to tweak the code to support red. :)
This is one of the best things I have seen on here. Very nicely done
Are there any other display types that are compatible with the source?
Currently, the only other display that is supported is a 3-color epaper by waveshare with an identical resolution, but the graphics are still only drawn in black/white.
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Greeting, I built this project last week. Works great until today. Turns out the Cert expired or acted like they did, so I ran the Had to make a change on line 35 in the cert.h generated file it generated Just one word. "Organization" to Domain and I am back up and running again. I guess I could have changed the config file to no Cert but what the heck.