
AirQ&EarthQ-LoRa EInk WallSwitch

A Module that fits in a typical Wallswitch with Air Quality, EarthQuake Detection and Ultra Low Power Sleep Mode + an Touch EInk Display

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This Module has the following capabilities:
- EInk Epaper with Touch Screen
- BME680 for eCo2, Temperature, Humidity and Pressure Measurements
- LSM6DSL Ultra Low Noise MEMS Gyro + Accel for Movement Detection and Earthquake Detection
- TPL5110 for PowerGateing and low Standby Current
- RV3028 C7 for Ultra Low RTC with Backup Cap lasts 3h
- RFM95 LoRa Radio for Desaster Radio
- ESP32 S3 with USB, Wifi & BT
- SK6812 EBG LEDs
- KNX EIB Smart Home Compatible with Nano BCU

With this HW Specs you can think about your possibilities:
- Air Quality Monitoring
- Earth Quake Detection
- Movement Detection
- Display latest news/Temp Graphs
- Display Weatherforecast recieved over WiFi
- LoRa Long Range Communication in Desaster Situation (ask for help)

Did you ever tought about a Module thats fits on your Desk and inside a wallswitch housing.
While sitting on your desk it needs to be ultra Battery Friendly.... This module fits both needs ACPower & Battery

An AirQ&EarthQ-LoRa EInk WallSwitch that measures your Air Quality, monitores Earthquakes, measures Temperature

What is planned with this Device:

- EInk Touch Screen 2.7 '  Low power if no Display content changes, No anoying Background light
- A Touch screen which comes native on the display and is controlled over I²C
- Ultra Low Power RTC RV3028 for Low Power Battery Operation wakeup
- Ultra Low Noise MEMS LSM6DSL GYRO+ACCEL for Earthquake Detection->
- Ultra Low Noise MEMS LSM6DSL for movement detection and Tap Detection
- Ultra Low Power Mode TPL5110: Let the Processor sleep with TPL5110 Power Gateing and shut down all that is battery draining.
- 9 physical buttons for moments where you do not wnat to use a touchscreen
  - Transmit Air Quality Data on a regular Basis (every 15min)
  - Transmit Data when Air Quality changes dramatically
  - Transmit Data when Air Quality changes dramatically
  - Recieve Commands to Switch on / off ext Relay
  - Switch to Desaster Mode and search for BLE Heart Rate Devices nearby and sent this data via LoRa

This is a cocreation work with


Th AC Adapter to mount it on the wall 230V AC

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The schematic of the Multipurpose Eink Button as an image

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The schematic of the Multipurpose Eink Button

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The schematic of the Multipurpose Eink Button

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  • 1 × Custom made PCB
  • 1 × SK6812 Mini
  • 1 × GoodDisplay GDEY027T91
  • 1 × ESP32-S3
  • 1 × RV3028-C7

View all 6 components

  • Error on the RTC found

    Ulrich03/20/2023 at 21:21 0 comments

    Found a last minute bug before production

    R25 was missing: WIthout it the RTC would have fired Interrupts on any swipe.

    No I am more confident on operation of this RTC.

    Schematic of a RTC RV3028 or RV-3032

  • Last minute Changes on the PCB before production

    Ulrich03/13/2023 at 20:25 0 comments

    Tonight was a very rainy night in Stuttgart.

    Therefore I had some spare time to add some more documentation on the Project Github Page.

    While doing so I found some last minute changes on the PCB. 

    For Testing and Hardware Bring Up I added some more Testpoints.

    New Testpoints

    - TP1 EPD VCOM
    - TP2 EPD CLK
    - TP3 INT RV3028
    - TP6 TPL5110 DONE
    - TP7 RFM DIO2
    - TP8 RFM CS
    - TP9 RFM DIO1
    - TP10 RFM ANT
    - TP11 TPL5110 SHOT
    - TP12 GYRO INT2
    - TP13 GYRO INT1

    Even more useful are Solder Jumper points for enabling or Disabling Features

    - JP1 = Selector for EPD Display
    - JP2 = If USB Power Connected and 3.3V Programmer
    - JP3 = GYRO INT Emergency CUT
    - JP4 = MAINS Mode / No TPL5110 Mode
    - JP5 = RV3028 INT Emergency CUT

    Schematics have been updated

  • Case is slowly in progress

    Ulrich03/12/2023 at 21:07 0 comments

    This is my first Autocad case design.

    Lots of struggling so far and do not know how this works at all.

    Lets see how it looks in the end.


  • LOW Power Consumption when not in use

    Ulrich03/12/2023 at 09:31 0 comments

    To reduce the Current consumption I decided to design a POWER GATEING CHIP into my design. 

    This Power Gateing Chip  can disable the complete Power supply with an MOSFet.

    With this little trick the Quiescent current drops dramtically when the wallswitch is not in Use.

    According to the datasheet this leads to a low current of 50nA when the design is not in use.

    This RTC Chips wakes up based on the the resistors designed around the Delay Pin.

    With the Resistors R6 you may define the sleep period where the Mikrocontroller shall not get any POWER.

    Once operation of the wall switch is finished the Microcontroller may send a "Done" Signal via TP6 to the Power Gateing Chip. This enables low power sleep until an ext Event is triggered via Shot or a timer has run low.

    The time of the timer may be set statically via R6.

    If connected to the 230 V MAINS power(via an ext. power supply) you may use it in always on mode: Therefore R20 is introduced. This may enable the Power Supply at all times.

  • Added a LDR for Ambient Light Detection

    Ulrich03/12/2023 at 09:18 0 comments

    This morning I came up with a NEW idea:

    How about adding a Light Detection Resistor?

    With this sensor you may get more data about you ambient situation.


    - How bright shall a Light shine after activation?

    - How fast shall the light switch ramp up LUX?

    - Can I reduce brightness to an optimum level?

    - Are my kids still awake or are they still using any torch light in Bed?

    - What is the distribution of light during the day?

    - Transmit Data via MQTT to a central server

View all 5 project logs

View all 4 instructions

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