
Good food leds

My design consists of a separate leds panel in 3 triangles, green, yellow, and red. These LEDs indicate the quality of your food

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This project was made at the request of a Woman to be presented at the company in which she works, She wanted something simple because it worked.

My design consists of a separate leds panel in 3 triangles, green, yellow, and red. These LEDs indicate the quality of your food, depending on the combination, the panel will turn on the color that indicates the quality of your food.

The construction:
Were used
90 leds being 30 of each color
1 Arduino Uno
6 chips 74hc595
3 chips 74hc195
Many cables (many even)

I will still upload the code on GitHub to analyze


This image shows all possible combinations (sorry for being in Portuguese as soon as I translate I upload)

JPEG Image - 174.64 kB - 12/16/2016 at 10:49


  • 1 × Arduino Uno
  • 30 × Red Leds
  • 30 × Yellow Leds
  • 30 × Green Leds
  • 90 × Resistors 200k

View all 9 components

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Alef Ribeiro wrote 12/16/2016 at 13:00 point

I think you did not understand the purpose of the project, in the led panel there are the types of food (example acids, sweets) the panel shows that if you eat acid with sweet what can happen, if everything is green its ok, yellow be careful because Can do bad and red is sure to do bad

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Martin wrote 12/16/2016 at 12:09 point

What kind of sensors are used to measure the quality of food? What are even the criteria? Taste, freshness, vitamin content? My first criterium would be taste, but that is difficult to measure and even different between various persons.

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Dylan Brophy wrote 04/11/2017 at 19:39 point

Yea, I would love to see more documentation on this project

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Martin wrote 04/11/2017 at 20:48 point

Now, looking at the pictures, this seems to be just some glorified
food table, what foods (or combinations) are considered "healthy" by
some authority. You know, ask 5 experts on diet and get 10 opinions :-)
Perhaps it has it's value for basic educational purposes.

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