This is a very cheap and efficient 3D printer I built from a kit.
Easy to build, inexpensive to operate, and very reliable, I can produce the same print as 60 000 usd jewelry printers do.
As part of my jewelry business, I use 3D printing for the creation of Castable masters for some of my jewelry. Mainly making unique and complex pieces for my clients, I need to quickly and faithfully print wax masters for our creations.
I started my work on 3D printing in 2015 with the purchase of a 1200 Project 3DS printer, an honest review of which is published here (in French). I then changed my printer, for a Draken 3D printer from the company 3DFacture which is also an SLA type 3D printer offering a larger printing surface than the 1200 and the freedom to manage the light exposure parameters at will, allowing me to work with resins more economical than those of 3DS and especially castable.
Hello James, I have no link to any facebook page of mine for this project (this might be the hackaday facebook). Follow the link of the project to my blog to see the details of the building tutorial under ALL INSTRUCTIONS. regards and thank you for your interest. Nicolas
This is such a wacky looking 3D-printer. I like it.