
Pi Palette- Hacker's Cosmetic Case

The "Pi-Palette" is a pentesting computer concealed in a cosmetic case.

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The Pi Palette is a Raspberry Pi 3 single board computer in a 3D printed enclosure to disguise it as a (somewhat chunky) makeup palette.

*As shown it's running Kali Linux - a pentesting (hacking) distribution, but you can run several other Linux versions- and even a version of Windows 10. Just please remember that every time you run Windows on hardware fully compatible with Linux a baby penguin dies.

*Wireless charging, and a 5000mah battery which seems to be good for at least a few hours depending (the backlit screen can be turned off separately while bruteforcing, wardriving and other headless tasks)

*An RTL3070 WiFi adapter which can be swapped out for a Software Defined Radio without losing basic WiFi connectivity due to the rPi3s onboard WiFi.

*A 5in, 800x480 "smart mirror" type display in portrait orientation with optional touchscreen capability.

•Makeup trays can be 3D printed to accommodate most major brands of cosmetic

BOM is now in the "Files" section with links, will be adding to it as I get some sorted out (the keyboard)

The size could be reduced by at least a third if we remove the plugs and jacks entirely in favor of soldering directly to the PCBs, but it then requires quite a bit of delicate work with any mistakes being rather costly. I choose to just remove the top two USB jacks (carefully) with nippers.

I rather keep the project easy and have it be a bit thicker. It's still plausible because there are makeup palettes with stackable trays: (the small makeup you might have seen in a purse are compacts, different thing).

Using the Pi Zero is also an option but processing power and usability would take a significant hit. The Raspberry Pi 3 is, for most purposes a fully functional computer and generally as quick as a low end laptop for any reasonable tasks. I didn't really want to sacrifice that.

The Raspberry Pi 3 has on board WiFi but in order to do wireless Penetration Testing a card must be able to go into monitor mode and do packet injections- the WiFi chip in the Pi cant do this. So I'm using a RT3070 compatible adapter.

Pi-Palette BOM 12-20-16.txt

plain - 4.06 kB - 12/20/2016 at 12:49


Pi Palette Bottom Half (Keyboard KP-810-05E, KP-810-05V, KP-810-05C).stl

plain - 440.51 kB - 12/20/2016 at 12:47


Pi Palette Bottom Half (Keyboard KP-810-02).stl

plain - 438.85 kB - 12/20/2016 at 12:47


Pi Palette Keyboard Cover (KP-810-05E, KP-810-05V, KP-810-05C).stl

plain - 17.07 kB - 12/20/2016 at 12:47


Pi Palette Keyboard Cover (KP-810-02).stl

plain - 20.20 kB - 12/20/2016 at 12:47


View all 14 files

View project log

  • 1
    Step 1

    The basic components of the computer. The full BOM is in the "Files" section.

  • 2
    Step 2

    The size could be reduced by at least a third if we remove the plugs and jacks entirely in favor of soldering directly to the PCBs, but it then requires quite a bit of delicate work with any mistakes being rather costly. I chose to just remove the top two USB jacks (carefully) with nippers.

    I rather keep the project easy and have it be a bit thicker. It's still plausible because there are makeup palettes with stackable trays: (the small makeup you might have seen in a purse are compacts, different thing).

    Using the Pi Zero is also an option but processing power and usability would take a significant hit. The Raspberry Pi 3 is, for most purposes a fully functional computer and generally as quick as a low end laptop for any reasonable tasks. I didn't really want to sacrifice that.

  • 3
    Step 3

    I tried to make the build as easy to follow as possible, the one slightly tricky bit is the power switch. You can see above how it's wired. Red for the Raspberry Pi, yellow for the display.

View all 19 instructions

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rmd6502 wrote 12/19/2016 at 02:42 point

I only skimmed the instructions, so you may have already done this, but are the individual makeup pots capacitive buttons?  Then you could initiate different types of scans, etc, without having to reveal the keyboard.

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SexyCyborg wrote 12/19/2016 at 09:55 point

No, then it would not be usable for makeup without making a mess. But the touch screen can work through the mirror as I recall so thats an option?

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mwahid wrote 12/18/2016 at 06:07 point

Cool design.

I used a similar setup but with RPi2 and AWUS051NH v2.

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