Phat Stats Now compatible with WIO Terminal and Seeed XIAO Round Display
06/26/2023 at 12:00 • 0 commentsPhatStats is now compatible with the Seeed Studio WIO Terminal and Seeed Studio Round Display for XIAO.
Including their full range of XIAO micro's
Phat-Tacho ILI9341 2.8" TFT Enclosure Prototype
08/03/2021 at 15:11 • 0 commentsPhat-Tacho Gauge Style Clip on Facia
Additional Facias:
Phat-Stats ILI9341 2.8" TFT Enclosure Prototype
07/31/2021 at 20:07 • 0 commentsPhat-Stats ILI9341 2.8" TFT Enclosure Prototype
Rear view MCU "sight glass"
Bottom USB C input, so the cable can lay in any position.
Phat-Stats Slim USB Concept Case
06/16/2021 at 15:02 • 0 comments -
Phat-Tacho Bluetooth Concept Case with new DisplayStyle
05/27/2021 at 23:04 • 1 commentPhat-Tacho Bluetooth Concept Case with new DisplayStyle
Gnat-Stats (OLED) & Phat-Stats (TFT) Hook Up Guides
03/11/2021 at 23:32 • 0 comments -
Phat-Stats TFT V1.6.3 ATSAMD21
01/06/2021 at 17:23 • 1 commentPhat-Stats TFT V1.6.3 ATSAMD21
(requires HardwareSerialMonitor 1.3 Upwards)
Minimize blinking on screen data value changes and screen refresh.
CPU Turbo or GPU Boost Mode frequency gains. (eg: +895MHz) or gain %
Show when CPU or GPU is Throttling (Hit Thermal Junction Max temp)
Show when CPU or GPU Turbo or Boost Mode is active.
Add rotary encoder for PWM screen brightness.
Run on Startup Win10
06/15/2020 at 22:21 • 0 commentsDue to the Windows 10 not allowing programs to run on startup as admin, here is a workaround script.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) Right-click on the HardwareSerialMonitor.exe , go to properties, then compatibility and check "Run as Administrator"
2) Create the VBScript using a text editor (I used Notepad)
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell" ) WshShell.Run chr(34) & "C:\Program Files (x86)\HardwareSerialMonitor\HardwareSerialMonitor.exe" & Chr(34), 0 Set WshShell = Nothing
(The above path is an example, edit this to where your HardwareSerialMonitor.exe path is located)
Save the script as "HardwareSerialMonitor.vbs" (no quotes)
Note: Make sure to save it as a .vbs not .txt
3) Now place the HardwareSerialMonitor.vbs in the HardwareSerialMonitor folder:
4) Goto the Windows startup folder
%AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup, alternatively access it by Win+R ⇒ shell:startup ⇒ Enter
Create a shortcut to the .vbs script above by right clicking then "New" ⇒ "Shortcut" ⇒ "Browse" for the "HardwareSerialMonitor.vbs" Script and select it.
HardwareSerialMonitor Should now run on startup