
High Schoolers Build a Radio Receiver

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Students learn to melt solder, layout PC boards, use tools, and troubleshoot by building an analog, discrete component receiver.


David Turner wrote 12/15/2024 at 14:42 point

Yeah, when I was a schoolboy, I only thought about games. I didn't want to study at all, and I'm sure it's the same now. In general, I rarely did anything myself. At school, I cheated, at university I found a writing service, I used for help. What if I created something at school age? I don't know how smart you need to be for that.

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elianora wrote 12/15/2024 at 14:40 point

Impressive. The world does not stand still.

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bill.meara wrote 04/25/2023 at 13:18 point

Additional detailed build instructions are in the file section. 

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