
Expiration Checker (GERALD)

We are making a program that will read expiration dates with the use of a camera.

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The expiration checker is meant to serve the visually impaired. This program will be made using the jetson nano along with coding from raspberry pi lite, etc. The program will act as a reader that will decode text using the aid of the camera, then it will display a red or green light based on it's expiration. We have named our robot GERALD, or: Generalized Error-prone Reading and Analysis Logic Device.

List of Items Used:

- Jetson Nano:

- SD Card that stores 32 or more gigabytes: (anything on the page works)

- Some sort of light that linux supports, we chose pins connected to a breadboard with LEDs (2 LEDs red and green, 4 wires, 2 resistors, 1 breadboard), we used arduinio style for all of them. 


LEDs: (any of the LEDs on this page work depending on what you want to do) 



- Box to store the Jetson Nano (bigger than 45 X 70 mm), not really any certain links to this, but there are many kinds of boxes that would work. The best kind of box is that that is closest to 45 X 70 mm but slightly bigger. 

- Something to write the code in (We used text files and but visual studio code works as well and is probably better).

C270 HD Webcam:

This is the non AI portion of the program, It is currently set up to take a date as an input instead of from an AI.

x-python - 6.08 kB - 05/10/2023 at 18:25


View all 7 components

  • Week of 5/22 - 5/28

    yerringtones06/08/2023 at 18:12 0 comments

    - Continued training SceneTextRecognition AI to read, which didn't go exactly in our favor, as AI training can take months to complete

    - Tested our newly made box for its efficiency, made sure that it fitted correctly before our upcoming presentation so it would be easier to present up close, and could be handheld. We made some slight cuts like last week so it would be even.

    - Practiced how we would present, what we would say, and our blocking. 

    - Added finishing touches so that our jetson would be as good as possible before our presentation in two weeks. 

  • Week of 5/29 - 6/2 (Final Week)

    yerringtones06/05/2023 at 18:31 0 comments

    This is our final product, finished and polished. On Wednesday, the 31st of May, we presented our final product to a group of peers, whom graded it for it's quality and usability. Over the week, before the presentation (The Day of Our Inevitable Reckoning) we:

    - Created a posterboard, both started it and finished it in 2 days. 

    - Our posterboard included: Cost, Descriptions, it's ideal running, and multiple pictures. We made it using sharpie, rulers, and pencil outlining.

    During the presentation (The Day of Our Inevitable Reckoning), we:

    - All three, stood in front of our poster for 1 hour, presenting the general layout, covering all elements of our poster to anyone who walked by (science fair style). 

    - Explained what we don't have done yet: Finished the python code, trained the AI. This process would take months, and since we had about 1 month to do this project, we could only get so much done. Though, we made a very efficient prototype, and a decently running robot.  

  • Outside Exterior and Top Interior Views

    yerringtones05/18/2023 at 18:24 0 comments

  • Top and Side Interior Views

    yerringtones05/18/2023 at 18:22 0 comments

  • Log 5/14 - 5/19

    yerringtones05/18/2023 at 18:10 0 comments

    - Finalized the box (taped both parts together, along with the breadboard, see finalized in the pictures above)

    - Got all of the demo files done

    - Made final adjustments to the hackaday before we present

    - We decided to name the box Gerald

  • Log 5/7 - 5/14

    yerringtones05/12/2023 at 18:55 0 comments

    - Got the box finished and delivered for our jetson nano, some parts of the box are curved, and don't allow some cords to be plugged into the jetson nano, so we are using a knife to trim off the bits, and make it straight (when the 3d printer printed out the box, part of it wasn't held up, and was cut oddly).

    - Continued to attempt to train the A.I. and have made minimal progress.

    - Set up demo files for presentation

    - Picture below is our project so far, the jetson nano is on the left, and the box for it is on the right

  • Setup Overview

    yerringtones05/10/2023 at 18:35 0 comments

    This our setup. The camera seen nesting on the top right corner of the monitor is a Logitech C270 HD Webcam, this is the camera used for giving the computer an image for the date. On the monitor screen, our program is seen running. The program we are using is just meant to clarify the dates (ex: the date may be written in all caps, or all lowercase, which our program covers), and to assist the camera in reading dates. The jetson nano, wires, and resistors on the table are for connecting what the camera sees, along with the program to the breadboard and LEDs that will light up based on the program's output. If the date is expired, the red LED will light up, and if the date is not expired, the green LED will light up.

  • Week of 5/1 - 5/7

    yerringtones05/09/2023 at 18:50 0 comments

    - Connected the code to the program. It does read date but not well. It is highly inaccturate and communication errors are occuring between the A.I and python program.

    - Unfortunately, our program isn't incredibly efficient yet, it takes around 20 minutes to process one image. We can train the A.I to run quicker but we still have hardware limitations.

    - We have started work on a box to house the jetson nano.

  • Image 1 5/1 - 5/7

    yerringtones05/08/2023 at 18:07 0 comments

  • Week of 5/1 - 5/7

    yerringtones05/01/2023 at 22:00 0 comments

    - Connected the code to the program. It does read date but not well. It is highly inaccturate and communication errors are occuring between the A.I and python program.

    - Unfortunately, our program isn't incredibly efficient yet, it takes around 20 minutes to process one image. We can train the A.I to run quicker but we still have hardware limitations.

    - We have started work on a box to house the jetson nano.

View all 19 project logs

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