
Week of 4/16 - 4/23

A project log for Expiration Checker (GERALD)

We are making a program that will read expiration dates with the use of a camera.

yerringtonesyerringtones 04/17/2023 at 18:040 Comments

- Had trouble running the dockerfile, still working it out

- Added more images to the basecamp file depicting expiration codes

- Decided to switch off of Scenetext recognition to license plate recognition, as Scenetext has proven difficult to manage, license plate recognition did not work

- Started new method, which began to work well, and eventually got it to recognize text from a picture! 

- Began setting up the lights, had an issue, still figuring it out, started looking for youtube videos that could help us. 

- Finished incorporating the months into pythonanywhere code, our code can now read the month of the year and determine if it is expired or not,
