
Week of 4/23 - 4/30

A project log for Expiration Checker (GERALD)

We are making a program that will read expiration dates with the use of a camera.

yerringtonesyerringtones 04/24/2023 at 18:180 Comments

- Got the formula down for the python code, just need to do a lot of coding to add in all the months and dates, etc. 

- Continued researching for the light aspect 

- Tried running the python code, but it was flawed, still checking. Eventually got it working correctly.

- Finished the python code! It can now correctly recognize dates, and compare them. When we press a key, the file runs, and we want to make it run when we take a picture. 

- Became stuck on finding a correct light. 

- Got the camera to work

- Ended up still using scenetext recognition, got some errors and got stuck

- continued to work on lights, but got stuck because we could not get neo lights working, and we started using the breadboard for the LEDs

- GOT THE LEDS WORKING! They blink on and off, and we have figured them out FINALLY. 
