
Automate your irrigation system with "calendar triggers"

A project log for Rezodo: Long Range irrigation and weather station

Rezodo aims at building a distributed irrigation system and a weather station with farmers. It's also a fully open platform for IoT learning

jp-gleyzesJP Gleyzes 04/20/2023 at 16:410 Comments

We have a Rezodo Calendar ready to be used.

Let's create an event april 20th between 7pm and 7:10pm

Just go into the Rezodo agenda, select the right date and enter a new event

If you want you can repeat this event. Here I selected "no repeat" option. It will be a single evnt.

The most important field for automation purpose will be the "description". Choose a meaning full short name.

Now we would like that this event triggers some actions... 

Let's jump to the Settings/automation and scenes menu in HA

And click on the bottom right button "create automation"

Then select create a new Automation. A screen like this one will open

So we can add a trigger which under certain conditions will trigger actions... Perfect !

Clcik "Add trigger"

Select "Calendar" and then choose the Rezodo calendar

Then we can fill the other fields like this

Then we will trigger an action (click on "Add action ")

select tha call service option

choose Switch turn On into the available services

then select the entity to trigger the action

and of course trigger the right switch to open the right valve in your garden

here Serre1 coil3 switch defined before.

So to summarize : 

when the event into the calendar will start, it will trigger an automation if the description of this event matches the description we have choosen. And the trigger will turn on the right switch which will in turn send an MQTT message to the Rezodo network. 

Seems complex ? Yes may be a little at first glance. But try it it is finally very logical and sooo powerful !

But now once the valves opens it never switch off....

Well just have to add another event which will be triggered at the end of the calendar slot...

And follow same process as before but select the switch_Off action!

Finally in our Automation tab in Home Assistant we now have two triggers which will be automatically called by teh Rezodo Calendar.

Of course you can trigger more complex actions (open valve 1, 2 and 3 but not 4... What you want !


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