Starting your first Field Oriented Control (FOC) project might be daunting, especially if you're new to the field.
As makers, we frequently want to jump right into the action and begin writing the firmware without the hassle/need of selecting the right Microcontroller, Magnetic Sensor, and Motor Driver, then configuring and calibrating it with an abundance of cables that renders your projects too bulky to use in your creations.
The NanoFOC is little enough to attach on the back of most small BLDC gimbal motors, making it an excellent choice for compact projects requiring maximum efficiency and precision.
Tech Specs:
- Espressif ESP32 S3 Microcontroller 4MB Flash, 2MB PSRAM
- Trinamic TMC6300 low power 6PWM BLDC Driver
- MPS MagAlpha MA710 or MAQ430 rotary magnetic position sensor
- 11 Programmable GPIO's (SPI, PWM, ADC, RTC etc.)
- I2C & UART pins available
- USB Powered (Compatible with USB PD 2.0 - 5V @ 3A