A breadboard line is touching a line of solder that heads to an opamp to isolate/buffer the signal, the output heads into a red LED that is stuffed into the breadboard that is printed out of transparent PLA. repeat for all 60 lines.
Lightup breadboard pcb rev1.pdf
first Schematic for the PCB. If you see anything that does not make sense please write in a comment under the project update "correct me if i'm wrong"
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06/15/2023 at 13:30
So all i've managed to finish is schematic for the PBC and not much more.
I'll add a pdf of it to the files and would love for some feedback.
the bigest source of uncertanty I have is in the way i am getting a negative votage. Firstly in the method itself more specificaly in the values for capacitors and resistors there. I managed to convinve myself that R66 MIGHT be needed but don't know if that is true. Pretty much all the values for the componenst there were taken from where the sun doesn't shine so please enlighten me.
... I mean I hoped this would be the response but i didn't think it would actually happen. A short article the project but there really isn't more to say https://hackaday.com/?p=587271 and also talked about on the podcast https://hackaday.com/?p=588642 (16 minutes in for 2 minutes) complete with messing up my name thus giving me a new name. Thank you.
Special thanks to Kuba Sunderland-Ober who gave great suggestions in the comments. In the long run i will be trying to implement the 2 color LED and adjustable reference points but for now i will try to
a) control LED current and
b) turn it into a PCB
Current control
right now the setup for one led looks like this.This simply will not do. An alternative to this was pitched with a separate voltage source for the LEDs from the OpAmps and a transistor but i asked around an got this The OpAmp has enough oomph to supply the current.
I'm using KiCad for this. Nothing interesting to show jet but i'll talk about some things i'm thinking about.
connection to the breadboard
my last method was...unreliable. I am considering a spring loaded connector that feels like it could get pricey but i am not clever enough with mechanics to come up with an alternative so i might have to bite the bullet.
last time it was a LiPo battery connector but needed to be driven from a controllable power supply because i added it last minute. This time i'm thinking USB connector.
I wanted to buy as few things as necessary for this project. This turned out to be
Transparent PLA
2 perf boards (proto boards? whatever the correct name is)
15x 4 OpAmps
a bunch of wire
The project started when the contest was announced. I only recently discovered the podcast (and the rest of the community) and got a fire lit under my but.
The first thing i did was print out the bread board. the first one had walls that were too thick so did it again with one layer walls, floor and roof. I cannibalized the metal insides from an existing breadboard.
at first i wanted to use a micro controller but couldnt figure out how to get 60 adc readings.
The opamps are to make sure the activity on the board isn't bothered by the lights. Opamps were purchased and soldered onto a perfboard with ones next to each other fliped so that the Vin and "ground" pins could be connected more easily. The + input of an opamp would become the signal input and the output was connected to the - pin and would in future connect to an LED. Somehow.
Connecting power was pretty easy. Though some hot glue needed to be used in a case of melted isolation.
The following took place over the last 2-3 days.
electrical sigval from the bradboard acieved by soldering a wire to the perfboard and making the dot of solder touch a line. this was unreliable. Alternative plan. solver a full line for each signal and sand them down to be level with each other. this works better. Now the breadboard is attached to a perfboad.
Next up, stuff all the LEDs into the perfboard and breadboard. solder the - side of all of them together.next. solder a resistor to each positive LED leg. Then to each resistor a white wire. heatshrink the exposed bits. twist together matching led wire and line wire. stare in dread at the upcoming rats nest. now connect the two perfboards. This will look insane and take most of the day.
solder in a battery connector and connect the ground between the LEDs and the OpAmps. some wires have fallen out but at this point your happy as long as the lights turn on
realize you didn't test ANYTHING before.
Test using 5V on power supply.
It doesn't work. In fact it reaches the current limit. none of the leds are on.
realize you messed up on the V+ and V- on the opamps.
Some suggestions for possible improvements - just what came to my mind, not implying you'd actually need to do any of this.
1. Drive the LEDs with a current source, so that their brightness will be linear in voltage. Right now, the LEDs are dark below about 1V, and their response is fairly nonlinear above that. all this takes is one extra transistor in addition to the resistor you already have, if you had a separate 12v supply for the LEDs. +12V to LED anode, LED cathode to NPN collector, opamp output to NPN base, top of current sense resistor to NPN emitter and to op-amp (-) terminal, bottom of current sense resistor to ground. The op-amps can run from 6V to accommodate 0-5v input range in this case. Yes, LEDs use 12V, op-amps use 6V, breadboard circuit can use any VCC between 0V and about 5.3V.
If the op-amps cannot run from 6V, then a diode from NPN base to op-amp output is needed, and a pull-up resistor on the NPN base up to 12V. 10k should be a good starting point. The diode shifts the base voltage about one diode-drop above the op-amp output voltage, removing most of the Vbe offset of the NPN transistor.
There are single-package biased Sziklai pairs (PNP "driver", NPN "output stage", and bias resistors) that would implement this level shifting with just one part in place of the NPN transistor - so pretty handy I'd say.
2. Drive the LEDs with a logarithmic current source, so that their brightness is proportional to the log of the voltage. This would require a monolithic diode array (e.g. https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/630272/can-uln2003-be-a-poor-man-s-matched-diode-array) so that one diode out of 7 could be used for an Imin voltage reference. Or use transistor pairs in single 6-pin SMT packages.
3. Drive RGB LEDs such that their color "walks up the rainbow" as the voltage goes from -Vref to +Vref. Vref could be adjustable based on the circuit you work on. This would take at least 2 op-amps per channel, and I'm not even sure that'd be enough. With 4 op-amps per channel you'd have plenty of room to work with.
4. Drive a two-color LED, so that one color lights up for negative voltages, another for positive voltages. E.g. a red + green LED, with both being on - for a faint yellow light - within some neighborhood of 0V. The width of this neighborhood could be adjustable down to 0 as needed.
5. Consider adjustment of both -Vref, 0Vref, and +Vref. For example, for digital logic, -Vref would be 0V, 0Vref would be Vcc/2, and +Vref would be Vcc.
Many other tweaks are possible of course. This seems like a cool idea that can be expanded a lot. I really like this - visualizing breadboard operation in such a way is pretty simple yet useful.
hey that looks super wild and interesting, could you maybe post a generic schematic of one row/line? You can post more pictures in a log for example :)
Some suggestions for possible improvements - just what came to my mind, not implying you'd actually need to do any of this.
1. Drive the LEDs with a current source, so that their brightness will be linear in voltage. Right now, the LEDs are dark below about 1V, and their response is fairly nonlinear above that. all this takes is one extra transistor in addition to the resistor you already have, if you had a separate 12v supply for the LEDs. +12V to LED anode, LED cathode to NPN collector, opamp output to NPN base, top of current sense resistor to NPN emitter and to op-amp (-) terminal, bottom of current sense resistor to ground. The op-amps can run from 6V to accommodate 0-5v input range in this case. Yes, LEDs use 12V, op-amps use 6V, breadboard circuit can use any VCC between 0V and about 5.3V.
If the op-amps cannot run from 6V, then a diode from NPN base to op-amp output is needed, and a pull-up resistor on the NPN base up to 12V. 10k should be a good starting point. The diode shifts the base voltage about one diode-drop above the op-amp output voltage, removing most of the Vbe offset of the NPN transistor.
There are single-package biased Sziklai pairs (PNP "driver", NPN "output stage", and bias resistors) that would implement this level shifting with just one part in place of the NPN transistor - so pretty handy I'd say.
2. Drive the LEDs with a logarithmic current source, so that their brightness is proportional to the log of the voltage. This would require a monolithic diode array (e.g. https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/630272/can-uln2003-be-a-poor-man-s-matched-diode-array) so that one diode out of 7 could be used for an Imin voltage reference. Or use transistor pairs in single 6-pin SMT packages.
3. Drive RGB LEDs such that their color "walks up the rainbow" as the voltage goes from -Vref to +Vref. Vref could be adjustable based on the circuit you work on. This would take at least 2 op-amps per channel, and I'm not even sure that'd be enough. With 4 op-amps per channel you'd have plenty of room to work with.
4. Drive a two-color LED, so that one color lights up for negative voltages, another for positive voltages. E.g. a red + green LED, with both being on - for a faint yellow light - within some neighborhood of 0V. The width of this neighborhood could be adjustable down to 0 as needed.
5. Consider adjustment of both -Vref, 0Vref, and +Vref. For example, for digital logic, -Vref would be 0V, 0Vref would be Vcc/2, and +Vref would be Vcc.
Many other tweaks are possible of course. This seems like a cool idea that can be expanded a lot. I really like this - visualizing breadboard operation in such a way is pretty simple yet useful.