
02/15/2023 - I wallowed in self-pity

A project log for A smart controller for a powered chair or bed

2023 Assistive Tech Winner! Automates the powered recliner or bed. Ideal for the mobility-challenged.

stephen-craverStephen Craver 04/29/2023 at 20:390 Comments

After kicking myself for blowing up the PI  and wallowing in self-pity, I did a little research, eventually running across the Raspberry PICO. Cheap, small... it's perfect for this application. It also actually revealed to me that the Raspberry PI was way overkill for this anyway!

That, or maybe I'm just trying to justify trashing my PI? 

No, it's not that since my verty thoughtful son-in-law Justin bought it for me a a gift. 

Yeah, now I feel like sh*t.
