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A project log for The Grimoire Macropad

A macropad build that is probably more trouble than it is worth.

mrpendentmrpendent 05/12/2023 at 00:550 Comments

So--the touch strips are not going to work for me. They are just too big (200-140mm). But I am going to keep the joystick. I just have to figure out where to put it. I think I'm going to have to change/shrink/remove the sigil.

This leads me to the next question, though--how exactly is this thing going to be connected. I have not really thought about it clearly. I had planned to connect a light (or some lights) to light up the sigil. I had also planned to mount the PCB to the base of the shell.

I had not really considered that each of these is in opposition to the other.

So I think I need to look at how to get everything mounted directly to the PCB. I think I can squeeze the joystick beside the top three buttons. There's a lot of wasted space there.

We're getting closer...
