
I'm almost ready

A project log for The Grimoire Macropad

A macropad build that is probably more trouble than it is worth.

mrpendentmrpendent 05/14/2023 at 03:460 Comments

After quite some thinking, some sleeping, some gaming, and some more thinking, I have figured out a few things.

I think I have the final PCB. It looks like this:

I know with the decorations it's a bit difficult to read. But remember that "customizing to within an inch of its life"?  There you go. Here's one with some of the fanciness stripped back:

What has changed:

I'll probably look at having JLCPCB put the LED caps on, but not the other bits. I think I'm pretty close to the final version (until I test it) but I'm going to leave it to rest while I think about a few last things (like the magnetic power connector).
