
4000 Series Logic Reference Cards

Mid-70s CMOS called and wants the past dues

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A set of 4x6in. reference cards for the entire family of the CD4000 and MC14000-series logic chips available today from TI, and for a few important but obsolete ones.

I find that I am most productive when working with a given logic family when I have a visual, concise reference. Thus I've digitally drawn the entire TI CD4000 logic portfolio on a set of 4x6 reference cards. Included are also a few obsolete but still useful chips available on the secondary market, like the 4008 adder for example.

The CD4000 logic family is alive and well, and most of it is still made by TI with the exception of the 4008 adder. All of the 14- and 16-pin functions are still sold in DIP. The 24-pin functions are offered in surface-mount packages only.

This logic family is well suited for unregulated supplies over a wide 5:1 range - from 3V to 15V. It is also fairly slow and has low EMI. It interoperates very well with low-noise analog circuitry.

The standard drive outputs can drive LEDs directly from 3V up to 5V supplies - no resistors needed. The standard drive outputs in practice survive shorts to supply rails up to 5V, and possibly even higher, although local die heating becomes problematic then.

I've done the drawings in Goodnotes, and have included both the source file as well as a PDF render in the files section.

This project is licensed under the Attribution Non-Commercial International 4.0 (CC-BY-NC 4.0) license.

It is my hope that the homebrew CPU community will find this reference useful, as well as anyone building "retro" circuits. Far from obsolete, the CD4000 logic family finds many uses today due to its versatility and docility.

CD4000 Logic Reference rel.4 plain bg.pdf

Rel 4 4x6 PDF with plain background

Adobe Portable Document Format - 30.27 MB - 02/17/2024 at 01:28


CD4000 Logic Reference rel.4.goodnotes

Rel 4 Source file

goodnotes - 22.49 MB - 02/17/2024 at 01:28


CD4000 Logic Reference rel.4 grid bg.pdf

Rel 4 4x6 PDF with grid background

Adobe Portable Document Format - 29.81 MB - 02/17/2024 at 01:28


CD4000 Logic Reference rel.4

Rel 4 JPEG images

Zip Archive - 8.91 MB - 02/17/2024 at 01:28


CD4000 Logic Reference rev.3 grid bg.pdf

Rel 3 4x6 PDF with grid background

Adobe Portable Document Format - 29.44 MB - 01/24/2024 at 23:55


View all 8 files

  • Release 4 is out

    Kuba Sunderland-Ober01/25/2024 at 22:13 0 comments

    Since each reference card has its own revision, it doesn't make sense to call a release "revision". This is the 4th release, and it contains a mix of sheet revisions.

    Sheet revisions in this release are listed below, one numbered sheet per entry.

    1. rev 2
    2. rev 3
    3. rev 3
    4. rev 3
    5. rev 2
    6. rev 3
    7. rev 2
    8. rev 2
    9. rev 3
    10. rev 3
    11. rev 3
    12. rev 3
    13. rev 4
    14. (unnumbered bonus sheet) rev 0

    Index pages i through viii are "fossil revision", without a revision mark.


    1. All active-low input and output pins have an inversion circle. Previously only some pins had the inversion circle. Pages affected: 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
    2. Fixed CD40110 LE pin/signal logic. It is now correctly marked active-low. Page 13.
    3. Fixed CD4511 LE pin/signal logic. It is now correctly marked active-low. Page 10.
    4. Fixed CD4543 LE pin/signal logic. It is now correctly marked active-high. Page 10.
    5. Added legend for the meaning of LE signals on page 10.

  • Revision 3 is out

    Kuba Sunderland-Ober01/24/2024 at 23:42 0 comments

    I'm definitely using these reference cards, and occasionally I find mistakes or inconsistencies.

    Revision 3 is released, with following changes from Revision 2:

    1. CD40106 alternate part is MC14584.
      Previously it was incorrectly marked MC14568.
    2. CD4572U inverter input and output pins are now correctly labeled.
      Previously the outputs were swapped with inputs.
    3. CD40110 borrow and carry are active-low and are marked as such.
      Previously they were shown as active-high (positive) logic.
    4. A bonus analog-like-it's-the-70s sheet is added, revision 0, with references for:
      1. LM339, LM2901 quad comparators,
      2. LM324, LM2902 quad op-amps (industry standard pinout),
      3. LM393, LM2903 double comparators,
      4. LM358, LM2904, TLC262 double op-amps (industry standard pinout),
      5. recommended connections for unused op-amps and comparators above,
      6. 2N2222/ZTX455 and 2N2907/ZTX555 transistors,
      7. 78xx and 79xx TO-252 regulators,
      8. LM334 current source pinout and design equation,
      9. TL431A voltage reference pinout and design equation

View all 2 project logs

  • 1

    The cards can be printed on standard paper and cut down to size, but I found it easiest to print them on 4x6 inkjet photo paper or card stock

    I have good results printing on matte HP inkjet printer 4x6 photo paper, using a color laser printer.

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