
Glucose sensor in food samples

This project successfully detects glucose in grocery food samples and categorizes them as gluten-free or gluten-rich with 98% accuracy.

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This innovative project revolves around the utilization of DNA sensors, which employ fluorescence to detect and quantify gluten in food samples. The procedure involves the rapid pulverization or blending of the food sample, thereby facilitating the interaction of its chemical constituents with the DNA sensors, leading to the detection of glucose from within. Remarkably, the project has demonstrated the capability to operate within a mere 5-minute timeframe, although further efforts are underway to enhance its portability as an attachment for smartphones.

Through rigorous experimentation involving over 900 grocery food samples, the project has achieved an impressive 98% accuracy rate. With an ambitious vision in mind, this endeavor strives to expand its repository of tested food samples to encompass every item commonly found in grocery stores. By doing so, it aims to establish a comprehensive database of outcomes obtained through the utilization of this groundbreaking device.

I would like to first disclose that this project would not have been possible without the help of Dr Orly Yadid-Pecht, Dr Raymond J. Turner, Dr Varun Vij and MSc Samaria Navarez Diaz.

I highly suggest reading my publicly available Thesis to get further details of each part of the process and how it has been assessed.


The process of sensing gluten using the aptamer-based biosensor involves collecting and diluting samples from regions of constant gluten concentration. The biosensor uses fluorescence resonance energy transfer based aptamer to detect gluten. The accuracy of the biosensor was assessed by correctly classifying food samples as their actual concentration of gluten. The biosensor was found to have an accuracy of 98.28% in classifying gluten-rich products


My thesis

Adobe Portable Document Format - 3.81 MB - 05/27/2023 at 00:52


  • 1 × CMOS sensor To gather fluorescence
  • 1 × 495 nm filter To remove incident light
  • 1 × Incident light A LED based light at 465 nm
  • 1 × Wellplate reader This has been used to classify over 900 samples
  • 1 × Spectrophotometer This has been used for the initial prototype

View all 9 components

  • 1

    Connect the device to the power supply

  • 2
    Introduce food sample

    Grab a pinch of the food sample and introduce it to the pulverizer

  • 3
    (Worken on) Click start

    Currently, the device is not connected together.

    The pulverized food would be diluted in the chemical-containing capsule, and mixed together for a few seconds as food is pulverized. Then filtered and sensed.

View all 4 instructions

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