Completed to date:
- 480x320 graphical interface designed
- BME280 used to gather and report temperature and humidity data
- arduino is programmed to keep heat and cool setpoints a minimum of 3 degrees apart
- display goes into "sleep" mode and displays only temperature in larger font after 30 seconds
- display wakes when screen is touched
- display has heat and cool in progress indicators on both setpoint screen and sleep screen
Works in progress / todo:
- clean up arduino code
- add esp-12e? for internet connectivity
- build database to log: setpoints, heat/cool on time, room temperature, outdoor temperature, and relative humidity
- add powersuply to convert central air's 24vac control power to 5vdc to power arduino and relays
- add relays for controlling central air unit
- design, fabricate / thermostat housing
- create android app for accessing/changing arduino setpoints and viewing room temperature / humidity