
XY-BLDC bypass JY01 - STM32 Bluepill

How to bypass JY01 IC to use XY-BLDC Board

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How to bypass JY01 IC to use XY-BLDC Board
In this case i removed the IC and connected the Bluepill pins to each half H-Bridge to control them via there sinus waves.
Its enough to just connect the three bridges and the main power for the motors. no need to contact vcc or gnd of the pcb.
Its possible to change direction without delay
I use it to drive two landroid works BLDC motors (Dunkermotoren BG 42)
I am not able to setup 12 PWM channels on the Bluepill with Keil Studio. so i used two of them (each 6 WPM channels)

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mr jess wrote 09/07/2024 at 07:49 point

For bypassing FRP on Samsung devices, we recommend trying vnROM Bypass APK, which works with a wide range of Samsung models. You can find detailed guides and tools on our Samsung bypass website, which provide solutions for overcoming FRP and other lockouts, even on devices with active security measures like Knox.

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